Capacity Building & System Integration (CBSI)

About Capacity Building & System Integration (CBSI)

The CBSI project aims to help county cross-system teams work together to leverage all available resources and funding to address the unique and emerging needs of their communities. We will provide opportunities for peer learning, training, technical assistance, research, and implementation support tools, all designed to help county teams leverage strategies, models, and resources to address the unique and emerging needs of their communities.

The goals of CBSI are to enhance the care continuum for children and youth, and particularly those with complex care needs and who are involved in multiple systems. We will provide expert guidance on leveraging and integrating all available funding to support the adoption of a trauma-informed care approach across all child and family-serving systems. While CBSI prioritizes developing “downstream” interventions for youth requiring immediate attention, our aim is to help county teams push their integrated and streamlined approaches upstream whenever possible.

If CBSI succeeds, it will not only ensure that youth involved in multiple systems receive the robust support they need, but it will also enhance the capacity of interagency teams to support all children and youth, no matter the point at which those families are engaged. CBSI activates CFPIC’s vision to support leaders by helping them advance their partnerships across all child and family serving systems, at every level. CFPIC’s portfolio of programs reflects our alignment of the human services vision of full, resourced, and equipped continuums of support in every community.

CBSI is hoping to extend and sustain its ability to support counties by becoming a vendor through DCHS’s TA Marketplace.