Citizen Review Panels (CRP)

Citizen Review Panel (CRP) members are parents, caregivers, former foster youth, court-appointed special advocates, representatives of Tribal governments, service providers, Child Welfare professionals, and others interested in Child  Welfare system improvement. CRPs examine Child Welfare policies, practices, and procedures and identify areas for growth and strategies for change. Panel findings and recommendations are provided to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) in an annual report. CDSS then engages with the CRP to address whether or how the state will incorporate CRP recommendations to make measurable progress in improving the Child Welfare system.

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CRPs were established by federal statute and implemented in 1996 as part of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requirement for states to receive federal grant funding. California and most states are required to have a minimum of three (3) independent CRPs. The CDSS Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) provides oversight, technical assistance and funding allocations for CRPs.

California currently has 3 panels facilitated by CFPIC and focused on Prevention, Children and Family Services, and Critical Incidents. Each CRP meets regularly to review topics related to their area of focus. CFPIC conducts regular recruitment and current panel members participate in selection and onboarding of new panel members.

National CRP Conference 2024: Empowering Communities to Lead Change

California’s CRPs hosted the 2024 National Citizen Review Panel Conference in San Diego. The event welcomed 180 colleagues from across the country and throughout California to share information and celebrate the power of CRPs to facilitate Child Welfare system improvement. Participants represented CRP members and facilitators, as well as federal, state, county and community leaders who are committed to the transformation of the Child Welfare system.

Click the link below to review the amazing array of plenary presentations and workshops that made up one of the most successful National Citizen Review Panel Conferences in the 20+ year history of these events.

2022-2023 California Citizen Review Panel Annual Report

Click here to view the latest annual report developed by CFPIC and RDA Consulting based on the work of the California panel members.

All Annual Reports

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