YEP Skills Coaching Institute

The Youth Engagement Project (YEP) is excited to launch additional support for our Youth Ambassadors via the YEP Skills Coaching Institute!

We are seeking passionate individuals who experienced the foster care system as a youth to support and coach a current or former foster youth in developing or strengthening their skills in

  1. Relationship Building & Networking
  2. Professional Development (hard or soft skills) and/or
  3. Life Skills & Self-Sufficiency.

Expected benefits of being a coach include:

  • Participating in a community approach to Lived Experience Empowerment (in and beyond foster care)
  • Collective impact & movement toward self-sufficiency and thriving
  • Supporting a current or former foster youth in developing or strengthening a skill
  • Sharing knowledge to help empower Youth Ambassadors

Interested in becoming a YEP Skills Coach? See the attached flyer and apply here.

Coach Flyer_YEP Skills Coach Initiative

National CRP Conference: Empowering Communities to Lead Change

From May 20-22, 2024 in San Diego, California’s Citizen Review Panels hosted the 2024 National Citizen Review Panel Conference. The event welcomed 180 colleagues from across the country and throughout California to learn about, and celebrate, the power of children, youth, families and communities who are leading changes to the Child Welfare system. Participants represented a broad partnership that included Citizen Review Panel (CRP) members and facilitators, as well as federal, state, county and community leaders who are committed to the transformation of the Child Welfare system.

Click here to review the amazing array of plenary presentations and workshops that made up one of the most successful National Citizen Review Panel Conferences in the 20+ year history of these events.

Engaging Voices - Learning from Lived Expertise to Transform Systems Resource Brochure

Download the Engaging Voices Program Brochure


CFPIC’s Youth Engagement Project (YEP) and the Preventing and Addressing Child Trafficking (PACT) project involve youth and young adults with experience in the child welfare or juvenile justice system, including those who have been harmed or exploited. These programs allow participants to share their experiences to guide and influence positive changes in the system.

Participants have shared their insights with leaders, legislators, and influencers to improve practices and policies for vulnerable children and youth. YEP and PACT have made significant impacts on both county and state systems and have deeply affected those of us who work with these leaders.

This document highlights the lessons we've learned from the courageous Youth Ambassadors and PACT Consultants. We honor their resilience, hope, and expertise and extend our gratitude to all survivors we've worked with. Finally, a special shout out to those who co-labored with us to compile this document to share our lessons learned with anyone else who is supporting, facilitating, or partnering with lived experts as they use their experiences to lead change.