Continuum of Care Reform (CCR)


CCR refers to a set of policy changes that improved the way California cares for children and youth in the foster care system. Implemented following the passage of AB 403 in 2016, CCR brings together a set of Child Welfare system reforms aimed at better supporting children and families, placing children in relative homes whenever possible and minimizing the usage of congregate care. It creates a more family-centered approach, seeks to reduce reliance on institutional care, and promotes better outcomes for children and youth by ensuring they live in home-like environments that prioritize their well-being and long-term success.

CFPIC works with CDSS and CWDA to support implementation of the various programs that have been adopted as part of the CCR effort. CFPIC staff participate and provide feedback to statewide workgroups, coordinate regional and statewide strategy meetings, and develop and foster work plans to move cross-systems partnership efforts forward at both the state and county level.

For more information about the CFPIC work related to CCR, contact