Resource Family Approval (RFA)
The RFA Program was implemented statewide in 2017 to establish a unified, equitable process for approving relatives and nonrelated extended family members (NREFMs)for the placement of children.
RFA is a unified, streamlined process for approving individuals or families to serve as foster parents, adoptive parents, or legal guardians. It was designed to simplify and standardize the approval process, replacing the previous, separate systems for relatives and NREFMs, community resource homes, and adoption approval. Counties administer the RFA program under written directives from CDSS.
CFPIC works with CDSS (Community Care Licensing and Child and Family Services Divisions) to support the effective statewide implementation of the Resource Family Approval (RFA) program at the county level. CFPIC assists CDSS in utilizing a technical assistance approach to its oversight of the program that is family-friendly, while also promoting child safety and effective caregiving.
For more information about the CFPIC work related to RFA, contact