
County Youth Engagement Project Application

The Youth Engagement Project (YEP) is a partnership between CFPIC and the California Department of Social Services to create transformational change and improve child welfare policies, programs and practices through the engagement and voice of youth leaders by building capacity for youth engagement at the state and local level. Counties who are interested in participating in YEP should review the requirements below and complete the requested information. Completed applications can be sent to

In order to be selected for YEP, the county must agree to the following:

  • Identify one county point of contact with responsibility for project oversight, collecting and reporting of statistics, providing project updates, oversight of ambassadors, and communication with YEP, including monthly and quarterly meetings.
  • Commit to one year with the program.
  • Recruit and engage youth ambassadors with the guidance and assistance of YEP.
  • Develop strategies and resources for YEP focus areas.


    County Partner Name:

    Title/Role in CWS System:

    Phone Number:

    Email Address:

    Please respond to the following questions:

    1. How does youth engagement fit into your county priority areas, such as your SIP?

    2. What do you hope to accomplish through your participation in YEP?

    3. List 3-5 goals or outcomes that you would like to see accomplished by adding a youth ambassador: