Module 1: Core Practice Model

What You'll Do

California's Core Practice Model (CPM) is the foundational practice framework for child welfare services in California, providing materials and assessment tools to gauge agency progress with their CPM. New and existing Directors can identify their leadership role in modeling the behaviors central to the CPM, which can be divided into four areas (each with their own toolkit): Organizational Readiness Building; Engagement, Relationship and Partnership; Workforce Development and Quality Outcomes and System Improvement.

What You'll Learn

This module will be centered on and around the California Core Practice Model (CPM), which is central to the work that child welfare is using in the state of California. As a Director, it's important you're able to articulate the history, purpose and principles of the CPM. The CPM is the overarching framework from which child welfare should be approaching their work. All projects and initiatives should fit within the framework of the model so that staff can have a clear understanding about how their work fits within the framework.

When it was first implemented statewide, in collaboration with counties, RTA's, CFPIC, CWDA and CALSWEC, it included Director Sessions, Learning Circles of cross-county staff focusing on the four key areas (Organizational Development and Readiness Building, Workforce Development, Building Relationships with Community Partners and Quality Outcomes and System Improvement), as well as RTA bootcamps.

With an understanding of its origins, the director will then gain an understanding of how they can begin or support implementation of the CPM and how they can model its leadership behaviors. This will include, but is certainly not limited to: Reviewing videos and debriefing; reviewing the different components of the CPM, (i.e., theoretical basis, casework components, practice elements, practice behaviors and leadership behaviors) via handout; identifying areas of self-improvement via assessments, and much more.

How to Prepare

In preparation for your Module 1 Learning Experience, here are some resources to review:

"We Believe Video"

"CPM Overview and Behaviors"

"CPM Snapshot"

"CALSWEC Core Practice website"

Some Things to Think About

As you begin to consider what you'll learn or reinforce as part of Module 1, consider the following:

"What are your values and what brought you to the field of child welfare?"

"What values do you hold about children and families?"

"What questions do you have about why or how the CPM was started?"

"What concerns do you have about how this would be applied in your day to day work?"

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