Module 8: Implementation Science

What You'll Do

In Module 8: Implementation Science, you’ll learn all about the National Implementation Research (NIRN) framework and the concepts of implementation science and its application in a child welfare agency. Implementation Science contains a number of key phrases and drivers for different models that, as a director, you’ll need to be able to recall, define, and apply. Once you understand its concepts, it will fall to you as a Director to communicate key components, and influence use, improving your agency’s performance.

What You'll Learn

Implementation Science, at its very core, is the study of factors that influence the full and effective use of innovations in practice. Implementation Factors are identified or developed and demonstrated in practice, to influence the full and effective use of innovations. Before implementing an Innovation such as an evidence-based program, you need a clear understanding of the program and its suitability for your State or agency.

In the NIRN framework there are 4 Stages to Implementation: Exploration is a critical starting place for work, as taking the time for exploration saves time and money and improves the chances for success. Installation is concerned with the resources needed to do the work. Initial Implementation is the time when the innovation is being used for the first time attempting to use new skills, and Full Implementation is reached when 50% or more of the team are using an effective innovation with fidelity and good outcomes.

Implementation has other requirements, such as Drivers (the engine(s) of change) and Teams (practitioners, staff, administrators, and leaders), as well as other practices like the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) study and Usability Testing. CA has placed emphasis on Workforce Development, Engagement Relationship and partnership, Organizational Readiness and Quality Outcome System Improvement. When exploring these drivers Race, Equity, Fairness and Inclusion should be considered at each step of planning and decision making. All these facets come together in support of Implementation Science in your agency.

How to Prepare

In preparation for your Module 8 Learning Experience, here are some resources to review:

"NCWWI Giving Work Back"

"NIRN Active Implementation HUB"

"Stages of Implementation Analysis"

Some Things to Think About

As you begin to consider what you’ll learn or reinforce as part of Module 8, consider the following:

"Have you ever used an implementation science approach or tool before?"

"What leadership styles are needed to successfully use the implementation framework for an innovation?"

"What do you think may be the most challenging in utilizing this framework?"

"If your agency is already using this framework are there areas in which it can be improved?"

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