Module 9: Workforce Development

What You'll Do

In Module 9: Workforce Development, we’ll start to look at the process of recruitment, screening, selection, retention, and training of our child welfare workforce. Part directing the child welfare workforce will include actively analyzing the workforce landscape, staying mindful of agency needs. Creating a Workforce Development Framework and establishing relationships with key workforce organizations will further bolster your skillsets in developing your workforce, which is supported by networking with key organizations.

What You'll Learn

Effective leaders will identify the recruitment and retention of excellent staff as a top priority, role regardless. As a Director, you’ll see the importance of recruiting to address issues of race, equity, inclusion and diversity to support families and communities. Staff Retention will ultimately reflect Leadership, and their perceptions will reflect Job Satisfaction & Commitment. A Director’s Vision and Code of Ethics will further center them.

The Core Practice Model provides workforce development tools, enabling employee screening, selection, supervision, and coaching. The CPM will aid the leader in focusing on the organziatioinal culture and climate and its ultimate impact on retaining staff. You’ll have the ability to refer to resources, such as The Supervision/Coaching Guide, which help supervisors keep the focus of supervision and coaching on staff's application of CPM Practice Behaviors. Other tools will similarly assist you in your journey.

Comprehensive Recruitment and Hiring Processes will be necessary to not only obtain new hires, but maintain them. Collecting vacancy/turnover data, realistic job previews, and incentives such as tuition reimbursement are all ways to incentivize. Partnering with Human Resources is encouraged, as it helps craft consistent, meaningful hiring processes and ensure recruitment of a diverse workforce that is representative of the communities you serve. Creating and maintaining working relationships with Workforce Development Organizations, like CalSWEC, will ensure the workforce continues to evolve with your agency.

How to Prepare

In preparation for your Module 9 Learning Experience, here are some resources to review:

"CPM Workforce Development Toolkit"

"County Director Turnover Study"

"Engagement & Retention Strategies"

"CPM Leadership Behaviors"

Some Things to Think About

As you begin to consider what you’ll learn or reinforce as part of Module 9, consider the following:

"What skill(s) do I need to develop to take on the leadership role for workforce development?"

"Of the 10 Leadership Behaviors, where are my strengths? The areas where I need to improve?"

"Which aspect of recruitment and retention do I think would be most challenging?"

"How can I ensure recruitment includes BIPOC communities, ensuring my workforce reflects my communities?"

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