Efforts To Outcomes

To enable counties to track “gap” data not otherwise tracked in the statewide CWS/CMS system, Child and Family Policy Institute (CFPIC) has coordinated the use of the ETO™ software solution in collaboration with CalSWEC.

The ETO™ software:

  • enables users to gather custom demographic information to evaluate outcomes within selected programs to satisfy state reporting and
  • allows counties some freedom to evaluate county-defined outcomes for the program selected for use
  • enables county specific data reports for case management, quality assurance, and outcomes examination
  • supports the implementation of data collection for new practices and initiatives in real time as well as allows immediate content updates as needed.

ETO™ currently offers the following programs:

  • ILP
  • RFA Recruitment
  • RFA Retention
  • Child and Family Teaming
  • County specific custom programs as needed (e.g. teen center activities, educational support, etc.)

For a demonstration of any of our content, or to discuss any Child Welfare county-specific data collection and evaluation needs, please contact Daphne Short at daphne.short@cfpic.org.