Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
Learn more about our journey over the past 20 years and our plans for the future by reviewing our 20th Anniversary Report and Strategic Plan!
Since 2004, CFPIC has grown to meet our current mission to be the key partner working with Human Services agencies to answer the question “What works?” Our efforts to promote research into best practices and provide technical assistance for their implementation have become key elements for helping agencies throughout the state. Read more about how we got here in our 20th Anniversary Report.
In addition to celebrating our twenty-year milestone, we took time during this anniversary year to develop a 3-year strategic plan that maps our future. The plan guides our work with Human Services agencies throughout California as we support their efforts to transform their work with children, families, vulnerable adults, and communities.
The strategic plan is a culmination of ten months of dedicated effort and collaborative work among consultants, CFPIC leadership, funders, Board members, and staff. Thanks to the invaluable input from CFPIC’s partners, we have developed a strong plan that addresses key issues and establishes strategic priorities for the organization. Read more about it in our CFPIC Strategic Plan.