Mia Villa

My name is Mia Villa and I am writing to introduce myself as the At-Risk Youth Specialist at the Glenn County Office of Education and Youth Ambassador for YEP.  I continue to look forward to making a positive impact in the lives of the youth we serve through the YEP Program. As a former foster youth and Americorps Member, I have experienced firsthand the challenges and adversities that at-risk youth often face.
My personal journey through the foster care system has ignited a deep passion within me to make a difference in the lives of young individuals who may be going through similar struggles. During my time as an Americorps Member, I had the privilege of working with vulnerable populations and saw the transformative power of mentorship and support. These experiences solidified my commitment to working in the helping field and inspired me to pursue a career focused on empowering and advocating for at-risk youth. Currently, I am a student at Butte College, where I am furthering my knowledge and skills in areas that align with my aspirations. My ultimate goal is to transfer to Chico State.