Michael Jayden

Hello, my name is Michael Jaydan.  I am passionate about helping foster youth and enhancing the foster care system.  When I was fifteen years old, I entered the foster care system and gained firsthand experience of what it’s like to be in foster care.  This experience made me realize how many people are struggling, and I understand that I am not the only one facing these challenges.

My goal is to equip individuals with the essential life skills necessary for their transition out of the foster care system.

I am looking forward to attending events and traveling to different places to participate in Zoom meetings, with the aim of making a positive impact.  I am eager to share my knowledge and establish meaningful connections with foster youth.  I would like to share my firsthand experience in foster care and serve as a representative. for this organization in engaging with young individuals.

As part of the Nextup program at Cerritos College’s foster care program, I had the opportunity to meet with fellow foster youth who shared their experiences with me.  Some of them expressed fear about moving forward, but I was able to reassure them that they are not alone in this journey. There are people who care about them and want them to succeed.