Nancy Perez

I am Nancy Perez, a youth in the Youth Engagement Project and the Lead Youth Ambassador in the Central Region, incorporating San Luis Obispo County. I am committed to continue to help make a difference in the child welfare system by sharing my voice as a former foster youth.

I attend several YEP Meetings, Quality Parenting Initiative Meetings and Youth Advisory Board Meetings monthly. Through my work as a youth I have worked in the YEP program. I have participated in supporting the development and provided feedback on several projects such as local teen resource guide, “About Your Child Questionnaire”, “About Your Child Letter to Birth Parent”, and “About Your Child, All About Me Letter to Resource Parent” documents. Additionally, I have played a key role in the development of  National Foster Care Awareness month video and participated in presenting this video and accepting proclamations of May being National Foster Care Awareness month at the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors and at Paso Robles City Council meetings.

I am a team player and enjoy working on projects with my fellow YEP ambassadors. I am excited to continue learning and make a change in the future of the foster care system. I’m looking forward to continuing working with all the ambassadors this fiscal year. Let’s continue to make a change! We all have a voice and it matters. Thank you for having me be part of this year’s YEP Ambassadors committee. Have a good one.