Training, Coaching, & Fidelity Resources

The curricula and guides below initiate the learning and coaching to competency processes and periodic assessment of fidelity for the Child and Family Practice Model. The PowerPoints can be easily downloaded and adapted for local use.

Learning Approach & Curricula

 The learning curricula are spaced across 5-6 days and are organized into two learning phases:

Phase 1

CFPM OVERVIEW TRAINING (1-2 learning days)

Provides general learning about the Practice Model framework.

Phase 2

 CFPM MODULE SERIES (4 day-long modules following the Overview Training, spaced 1-2 weeks apart)

Support behaviorally specific learning, practice and simulation experiences and set the stage for coaching.

Coaching Guide

This guide focuses on CFPM Coaching to Competency and provides tools and strategies for facilitating full and effective use of the Practice Model at all levels of the agency.

Fidelity Assessment Resources

(includes the forms and concise information needed for Fidelity Assessment observations)

(describes all Fidelity Assessment processes and procedures)

(training community partner Fidelity Assessment observers - it is helpful to include staff in the training to orient them to the FA process and role of observers)